"Listen well, all of you!", "Smelly Lizard," is nothing more than an insignificant stub. It is in desperate need of more content. So says Maleficent: the Mistress of All Evil. |
You Poor Unfortunate Soul, this "Smelly Lizard," has been found to need Ursula’s Touch. It MUST be rewritten, see the light, and make a switch!! So says Ursula: the true queen of Atlantica. |
Smelly Lizards are characters and antagonists from the Aladdin TV series.
They are purple lizards with green stripes on the back and light green skin underbelly.
They are vicious and chase whatever food they can eat. When they feel threatened, they will spray a noxious gas thought he gas's effect depends on what they eat.
When they feel threatened, they will spray a noxious gas thought he gas's effect depends on what they eat.
When they eat smelly foods like cheese, it creates a smelly gas that knocks out its victims, causing them to remain in a coma like state with a green face and purple spots. When they eat candy canes, their breath had no effect.
A merchant came to sell products to Odiferans but they ended up attacking him for not having cheese. He accidentally left behind the eggs that hatched into the lizards. The lizards snuck in to Odiferous and began eating cheese before they knocked out Aladdin's brawling opponent and later Prince Uncouthma. Bud and General Gouda tried to smash buildings to reach one lizard much to Aladdin's astonishment and annoyance. It later managed to attack General Gouda. Aladdin and Bud managed to lure them into one spot and melt candy cane over cheese so they would be attracted to it and eat the candy cane cheese, nullifying their breath.