
Rat Capone is a character from the animated series Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. He is the leader of a gang, which includes a muscular mouse (Arnold Mousenegger) and a lizard (Sugar Ray Lizard).


Capone is an obese rat who wears purple gangster clothes and a black hat. He bares a strong resemblance to Francis, the leader of the Spy Rats from the episode "Double 'O Chipmunk."

Role in Series[]

The two crimes the Rescue Rangers cartoon describe are his illegal handling of the cheese within the Rangers' city, and his stealing gold, which he had once tried to build a gold castle, but the Rescue Rangers prevented him from doing so. He appears in the episodes "Mind Your Cheese and Q's" and "The S.S. Drainpipe". He has a particular fascination with Gadget, whom he constantly tries to make his moll, despite her resistance and spunk, which he hates to no end.


  • Though "The S.S. Drainpipe" is usually listed before "Mind Your Cheese and Q's" on most episode lists, "Mind Your Cheese and Q's" is actually first chronologically because that is when the rangers first come across Capone and his gang. In the "S.S. Drainpipe", both groups remember meeting each other. 
  • Rat Capone was named after an American gangster known as Al Capone.