

Mackriki is a gray eel alien with a purple spine his eyes located in his mouth and four legs. He is voiced by Richard Kind.

Treasure Planet[]

His alien appearance resembles a gray eel with a purple spine, only added with arms, two pairs of legs, and his eyes peer from inside his mouth, due to his eyestalks being attached to his tongue. This feature is comically used as a justifiable excuse such as when he sticks his tongue out at Arrow when he is scolded for encouraging a brawl between Jim and Scroop. He is also one of the first three pirates, the other two being Dogbreath and Hands to die in the film, when a misfire from Doppler resulted in falling debris, destroying the floorboards and sending the pursuing pirates falling out of the ship's longboat room from a great height to their apparent deaths.


  • The reason his eyes are located in his mouth is so that he can watch what he's eating.
  • He shares similarities with the water Psymonster, Oceandrinker from Psymonsters.