2011-01-29 1924

Click To Help Maleficent
"Listen well, all of you!", "Lacer,"
is nothing more than an insignificant stub.

It is in desperate need of more content.
So says Maleficent:
the Mistress of All Evil.
Click To Help Ursula!
You Poor Unfortunate Soul, this "Lacer,"
has been found to need Ursula’s Touch.
It MUST be rewritten, see the light, and make a switch!!
So says Ursula:
the true queen of Atlantica.
Lacer evil face

Lacer is a character and a villain in Atomic Puppet.


The only appearance that he has is mainly a face and most of it's body can turn red.


As in "These Shoes", the shoes that were found by Joey in the Atomic Invisi-shed, as AP stated to Joey not to use it as it has a mind of it own, as Joey snuck the shoes without AP's consent and it went haywire and has a lead Joey having troubles with until AP figured.


  • "These Shoes"
  • "Lacer Takes Over"