2011-01-29 1924

Click To Help Maleficent
"Listen well, all of you!", "Hamar,"
is nothing more than an insignificant stub.

It is in desperate need of more content.
So says Maleficent:
the Mistress of All Evil.
Click To Help Ursula!
You Poor Unfortunate Soul, this "Hamar,"
has been found to need Ursula’s Touch.
It MUST be rewritten, see the light, and make a switch!!
So says Ursula:
the true queen of Atlantica.

Hamar is a character and antagonist from the Aladdin TV series. He is usually a background character.


He is a large thief who wears a black shirt with minor tears at the sleeves which reach to his ebow. He also wears a blue fez, yellow scarf, and brown pants.


He is a thief who hates getting stuff stolen from him and tends to tease Amin Damoola, calling him butterfingers. He seems to be one of the more prominent thieves in the Skull and dagger Guild and often gets into fights with others.
