
Gil Moss, better known as Gill, was a former camper at Camp Wannaweep, and an antagonist in the TV show Kim Possible. Gill has the distinction of being one of the few members of the rogue gallery to be one of Ron Stoppable's rogues, with the only other character being Lord Monkey Fist.


Powers and Abilities[]

Gill is an avid swimmer. He also seemed to have an innate knowledge of how devices work and is skilled at sabotage work, as he managed to sabotage a communications camp as well as various pipes, which had earlier been implied by his previous place being "Arts and Crafts" before the switch. In addition, as evidenced by both his appearances, he was also a methodological planner, having planned various factors and manipulated events so he can come close to succeeding.

Post-mutation, he also gained the ability to infect others into becoming mutants by hitting them with gunk either through direct bodily contact or by spitting the gunk out. When he was restored to his human form, he also seems to mutate when near high-concentrations of the same substance that mutated him, as implied when Ron discovered monstrous footprints when tailing Gil when he was searching for the magic mucka. After his second mutation, he gained even more abilities, such as a larger spitting volume and chameleon/octopus-like camouflage abilities as well as the ability to have an extendable object on his body.
