2011-01-29 1924

Click To Help Maleficent
"Listen well, all of you!", "Percy Femur,"
is nothing more than an insignificant stub.

It is in desperate need of more content.
So says Maleficent:
the Mistress of All Evil.
Click To Help Ursula!
You Poor Unfortunate Soul, this "Percy Femur,"
has been found to need Ursula’s Touch.
It MUST be rewritten, see the light, and make a switch!!
So says Ursula:
the true queen of Atlantica.
Percy Femur

Percy Femur is Mr. Bone's nephew. He is a tall, mean, and tough student. He is known to sport a rat-tail hairstyle, camouflage pants, and army boots. He once bullied Roger until he was sent back to his old school (with the help of Doug). He make a small role in the series, only appearing in the episodes "Doug Saves Roger," "Doug's Big Feat," and "Doug's Hoop Nightmare."
